Monday, August 24, 2009

Happy Birthday

Mom's birthday is tomorrow. We are so blessed to have her with us. The doctors are amazed with her progress.

We are waiting to hear back from insurance regarding whether they will cover the residential rehab facility that is our first choice for mom's next set of therapy. If they do not cover it, Mom will enter the challenge program at TIRR.

After the challenge program, she will be moving back to Orange where she will stay will several family friends so that she has someone making sure she is safe.


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Rehab Update

Mom is having her monthly rehab assessment this week. Will know more about her progress when they give us the results next week.

We met with one of the social workers from TIRR today and discussed long term plans for mom. The ultimate goal is to have her back at her house in Orange with Aunt Maxine.

To do this we will need to get several things in place. Mom and Aunt Maxine will need someone there to keep an eye on them 24 hours a day.

They are recommending mom do one more level of therapy in Houston before returning to Orange full time. We are not sure how long this will last.

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers,

Ramona, Stephen and Sonya

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Hello everyone,

Sorry for being silent for so long. Life is incredibly busy.

Mom has moved in with Sonya and I. She stays with us Sunday evening through Friday afternoons. On the weekends, she goes back to Orange and stays with either Johnny or Sheryl.

Sonya takes mom to outpatient therapy on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. She receives Speech, Occupational and Physical therapy each day.

Mom can not be left alone so Sonya takes care of her during the day. When I get home from work, I take over. Sonya is incredible and I know mom is doing so well because of her constant care.

Mom is making improvements. We have seen them ourselves. But I must warn you, it is still going to be a long road.

Several of the therapists say Mom will never be the same. It may take more than a year or two for her to be close to who she was again.

We are very uncertain about the future. We are just taking it one day at a time.


Monday, June 1, 2009

Quick Word from Mom

We started Outpatient Therapy today. Mom is doing okay overall, but the therapists did note there is still lots of room for improvement.

She likes her therapists overall and we are hopeful they will continue to help us improve.

Her is a quick word from Mom.

I will keep posting on the blog.

There has just not been a lot of change recently and we have had our hands full with Mom and work.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Sunday afternoon with Mom

We had a day pass today so we could have a practice run. The social workers wanted us to go to a post acute care facility and I think this was their attempt to scare us so we would give up and send her to a post acute facility.

We were not thrilled with that idea and wanted to get the neurologist's opinion. Once Dr. Chen saw Mom, he told us that she should do outpatient therapy and stay with Sonya and I.

We know the coming months will be difficult. Mom needs 24 hour supervision and while I can see her memory improving, she still asks questions over and over again.

Today has been great. Mom is in good spirits because she is out of the hospital. She wanted Coconut Shrimp for lunch, so we went to Outback and had a wonderful meal. She is currently stretching out her left arm and doing some exercises on the couch.

Sonya is going to be trained be the therapists tomorrow. Tuesday Mom will be moving in with us. Once we get settled, we would like her to spend weekends in Orange.

Just keeping you in the loop.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Visit with Dr. Chen

We went to see Dr. Chen today. He was amazed at Mom's progress. It is rare for a patient to be so responsive in such a short time.

In 3 months, we will return to Dr. Chen. He expects her memory and left neglect to improve significantly. The next surgery will be performed after she has recovered more completely.

He recommended that Mom stay with Sonya and I so she can receive outpatient therapy from TIRR. We are fortunate to live so close to one of the best rehab centers in the country.

Mom should be released from TIRR within the next two weeks.

We are making preparations for Mom's arrival.

Read more about TIRR below

Monday, April 27, 2009

April 27

We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. Dr. Chen will evaluate her progress and determine when he will operate on the other two aneurysms.

We have a few options for our next step. Mom may come live with Sonya and I to receive outpatient therapy or she may enter a residential brain care facility. The therapists do not believe she is ready to move back to her house.

I read last week that most healing after a stroke takes place during the first 6 months. Most patients do continue to improve, but not as quickly. I believe we are best served to "suck it up" and do as much as we can to help her improve during this period.

We all want Mom to be in her home, but we want to her to be home in the best shape possible.

There are lots of variables right now, but wanted to put the options here for you to see.