Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday Update

Mom is doing very well.

They moved her hospital bed to a chair configuration and she is currently sitting chair style. She has been more responsive today.

They are working toward moving mom out of the ICU and into a less intensive unit. The nurse told me that by Monday, Mom will be in a different hospital unit. This is more proof of her slow steady improvement.

The CT from this morning looked good. She has no signs of hydrocephalus, so hopefully they will not need to put in a shunt.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday Update

Sorry for taking so long to update. It has been a busy couple of days.

Mom is doing very well. The pressure in her brain has been stable without the ventricular drains. This is great.

Her breathing is steady and getting stronger.

Heart rate is normal and regular.

Temperature is stable.

The nurse I spoke with this afternoon believes that she will be moving to an intermediate room. Mom does not have many ICU issues remaining as she is getting stronger and more stable everyday.

Will keep you posted.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I quit the last post to stand by mom's bed because she was moving her arm. Her eyes were open and she was glancing around the room.

I have been trying to stand on her left side as much as possible. This is the side she has been neglecting. We are hoping that by standing on this side, she will turn her head that way to see us.

I was trying to catch her attention and see if she would turn her head toward me. I asked, Mom can you see me? She very slowly and deliberately turned her head a few inches and made a coughing sound. I leaned in to hear if she was trying to speak. Although it was scratchy and very soft, she definately said, "I can see you."

That was worth staying up for.



Tuesday Night

Mom opened her eyes tonight and was able to communicate with me for a few minutes before she got tired and went back to sleep.

The nurse told me that this afternoon she said Hi to one of the nurses aides who was adjusting her arms.

They removed the drain in her skull and her brain seems normal.

Still making progress. We have another CT scan in a few hours to check for excess brain fluid.

She is moving a little right now, so I am going to go spend some time with her.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Heart Rate Down

Mom's heart rate is back to a normal.

Tuesday Morning

Around 3 am, the breathing insert they are using to supplement Mom's oxygen fell out. Her oxygen levels fell to 85%. The nurse quickly put insert back in. We were hoping that her oxygen % would be higher when breathing on her own. Hopefully, this will improve soon.

At 4am, her heart rate jumped from 93 to 150. They gave her medicine to relax, but the heart rate would not go down. This is a huge concern, as none of the doctors or nurses know why her heart rate is so high. Some suggested she could be becoming more aware of her current situation.

When we left the ICU to give the nurses time for their shift change, her heart rate was still high. I will let you know if it goes down soon.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday Night

Mom seems well. The CT scan showed that her brain is doing well. They are still considering removing the other drain tube from her brain.

Her breathing has been fairly steady and the temperature has stayed regular.

She responds to stimulus when she wants to. We are hoping this becomes more regular.

Her head is leaning to the left, which is good because her neck had been to stiff to allow movement in that direction.

Monday Morning

Mom's temperature is still stable.

She is more responsive when she is awake. Her left side is moving a bit more.

They are sending her for another CT scan this afternoon. Once they get the results, they may remove the other tube that is draining fluid from her brain. This is good news because it means she is healing well in the brain.

Still making slow and steady progress.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday Night Update

They removed the breathing tube. Mom is doing very well breathing on her own.

She was a little more responsive today. Her eyes were open for most of the evening. While the breathing tube was in, they had her under sedation. She is now completely off the sedatives and is waking up slowly but surely.

The doctors have called for lots of rest this evening. Her temperature is down, she seems to be doing very well.

As I have said so many times, remember we are not out of the woods yet.



Sunday Update

Mom is doing pretty well. She is a bit more responsive than she was yesterday. The doctors are hoping she will continue to improve her responses over the next few days.

The fever has stayed pretty constant today.

All the cultures came back negative.

The doctors are hoping to remove her breathing tube this evening.

Will update again this evening before going to bed.


Saturday Night

Mom was a bit more responsive tonight.

She opened her eyes for a few seconds when I spoke to her. She was also able to give me a thumbs up when I asked her to several times. Mom nodded slightly when we spoke to her.

They took her for another CT scan a little while ago. Hopefully everything looks good.

Will keep you updated,


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Saturday Morning

Mom seems to be doing well.

They have clamped her final ventricular drain. (The tube they put in to drain fluid from her brain.) This is more good news from a neurological perspective.

I spoke with Dr. Chen, our neurologist, last night. He is very pleased with Mom's progress neurologically. He described the infection as a small bump in the road.

Mom is showing signs of movement on her left side. This is great news!

We still do not have the results of the bacterial cultures. They did a chest xray and found a small spot of fluid in Mom's lung. Her brain scan looked good this morning.

Keep reading and praying,


Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday Update

Mom's infection has caused a slight difficulty breathing. They put the breathing tube back in to aid her in breathing while she fights the infection.

They have not received any results from the cultures.

The good news is that her brain is right where they want her to be. Now we just need to fight the secondary infections.

If you are considering coming to visit... please make sure you are feeling well. The worst thing we can do is pass on germs to mom. I can not stress that enough.

They have increased the antibiotics to try and help her fight until they determine what type of infection she has.



Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thursday Night

Our nurse this evening is named Allan. He is a very pleasant fellow and a good nurse. He is very proactive and seems to check on mom every 15 minutes.

This evening, Allan drained some fluid from Mom's sinus cavity. She had been breathing rapidly for several days and the fever has continued. After her breathing began to sound a little like snoring, he quickly identified that she had lots of sinus drainage.

Allan decided to drain the sinuses and send the fluid away for a culture. He believes mom has a sinus infection. This would explain the rapid breathing, fever and exhaustion. I hope the results will be in tomorrow so we can begin treating the infection.

This made me feel alot better because now we have a good idea what is going on. Now we can take action and fix it.

Thank Jesus,


Thursday Morning

Still no answers. Mom's vitals look good, temperature is good, but she remains very unresponsive.

They started her back on the feeding tube. She got sick this morning and vomitted a little. The doctors are hoping this is because she did not have food for so a little more than a day, or is a reaction to one of the medicines.

Wish we knew why.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Two Week Anniversary, One Step Back

Today, mom was not responding to stimulus until around 1:30 p.m. She was responsive for about an hour, then went back to a deep sleep.

In the morning the doctors performed several tests to determine why she was not responding. All the test results were negative. Some even showed that she is improving.

When I went to the hospital after work, she woke up for about 30 minutes. Before the 6pm shift change, she went back to a deep sleep. Sonya and I returned at 8:15 p, after the shift change and she was still unresponsive.

The doctors and nurses say this could be the body needing to rest after a long day of tests. The exhaustion combined with the fact that they stopped feeding her for a day because of nausea could make her very tired.

It was hard to see her not responding to us after being spoiled for the past 3 days.

Please keep praying. Today was tough.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tuesday Night

The tube is out and mom is breathing really well. I can not wait to hear her voice again.

We practiced moving her left side. She is stiff, but understands that she needs to stretch and practice moving.

She is keeping her eyes open frequently and is very responsive.

Tuesday Morning

They removed the breathing tube. Mom is breathing well on her own. That is something to celebrate. We may hear her voice soon.

Temperature is still fluctuating.

Left side still not moving very much.

She has a rash on her leg. We are not sure if this is an allergic reaction. Remember this is why they stopped giving her the first antibiotic last week.


Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday Part 2

Mom's temperature is up again. It was 101 when I left the hospital. We still do not know why.

She is moving her left side so little that I am becoming very concerned. Please keep this in your prayers.

Mom is very responsive on the right side.

Monday Morning

This morning, Johnny told me that they will remove the breathing tube from mom's throat sometime today. This is awesome news! Over the past few days they have lowered the strength of the breathing tube. Yesterday she was breathing almost completely on her own.

Her fever was down to 98.5 this morning. Hopefully the new antibiotics are working. Also, the strange rash that was on her skin is going away.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday Wrap Up

Mom is doing pretty well. She had her eyes open for almost an hour today.

She is bit more responsive and looks good.

The issues we need to be concerned with are her fever, the spasms and using her left side.

Her fever fluctiuates between 102 and 98 throughout the day. When her temperature is 98, Mom communicates and moves around very well. Anything over 100 and she is basically asleep. The doctors are still not sure what is causing the fever. They have done several cultures to check for bacteria and have not found anything. They ran another set of cultures today.

We still have another week and a half to worry about brain spasms. These can cause severe damage and occur in a significant number of patients. The best I can explain them is to say that they are like a muscle cramp in an artery. The cramping causes the artery to close, thus shutting off blood flow. Mom has already had two minor ones operated on. They monitor her daily for other spasms.

Finally, she definately favors her right side. We are trying to force her to use the left more. The doctors believe this is because of the swelling on the right side of the brain.

Keep these things in prayer.

Also, met a woman this afternoon whose 25 year old grandson was involved in an accident while trying to stop an intoxicated friend from diving. Somehow, the young man fell very hard on his skull and suffered lots of damage. He is moving all his extremities, but they had to open his skull to allow his brain to swell. Keep Justin and his family in your prayers.



Saturday, February 14, 2009

Saturday Update

Mom was very responsive today.  She had her eyes open for several minutes.  She was able to respond to questions with very weak nods.  It is amazing to see the change between today and two days ago.

Her fever still comes and goes.  When she drops below 100, she moves more and is responsive.  Around 101, she stops moving and rests.  We need to figure out whether there is an infection or if her body is just responding to all the tubes inside her.

She has developed a rash.  To determine what is causing it, they are taking her off of the antibiotics and dilantin (anti seizure medicine).  We need to figure this out so she can get this medicine again.

Currently, there are no spasms in her brain.  We need to keep it that way. 

She prefers to move her right side.  We have been trying to work with her on moving the left side.  The doctors believe this could be because the right side of her brain suffered the trauma.  The right side of the brain controls the left side.

If you want to send cards or photos, send them to us at:
Stephen Hunt
315 Hadley Street #1323
Houston, TX 77002

These will help mom recover, especially pictures.  Please send us copies, as I can not promise we will get them back to you.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Good News for Friday

Mom was very responsive this evening. For Sheryl and Johnny she touched their face, did the Hook'em Horns sign and made weak nods for yes or no. She is frowning and had her "teacher look" back. Big signs for us today.

I did not get to see any of this. It seems like everytime I go to see mom she has just finished moving and is tired.

So tonight Sheryl and Johnny came back to the waiting room and were cheering and excited. I was sad because I had missed another episode.

I went back to see if she had any energy left. Of course, I walk in and she looks asleep. We were finally able to wake her and she nodded when I asked if she knew me. She gripped my hand. The ultimate Valentine's gift was after she seemed to get tired. I told her we were going to leave and let her sleep. I kissed her hand and said, "Goodbye Mom." She raised her right hand and waved goodbye with her fingers.

Throught this whole process, I have only broken down twice. When I heard that she was bleeding on the brain and was in serious condition. I put down the phone and told Sonya I needed about 5 minutes to just let it out. When 5 minutes was up, I said, "Alright, lets get going."

Seeing Mom wave goodbye cracked my resolve a little bit. It was big sign and a great Valentine's present.

We still have a long way to go. This was only about 2 hours worth of activity in the whole day. Much of the day was spent watching her rest.

Happy Valentine's Day,

Love Stephen

Friday Update

Mom came through her test and surgery fine. The doctors treated the two spasms. There is a chance they come back within the next week or so. That is why mom will be in ICU for a while.

She seems to be doing better. Will update when I get back from the hospital tonight.


Friday Update

Quick recap of this morning.

Mom's temperature is hovering around 99.

Mom will have her angioplasty today around noon. I spoke with Dr. Suzuki this morning. He explained that the spasms are basically a cramp in the brain. To treat this, they have two options. The first and least risky is to inject medicine into the cramped artery. The second method is only used in a situation that is used for more severe spasms is a balloon angioplasty. They insert a small balloon into the artery and actually inflate it to spread out the walls of the artery. The risks associated with procedure are small, but any surgery carries risk. Pray for Dr. Suzuki and his team this afternoon.

Depending on the results of the exam, they may remove the tube that is draining the right side of her brain.

Also, she will have a chest xray and a CT scan this afternoon.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday Night Update

Mom was moving a little bit more tonight and was able to give a thumbs up and two fingers upon request.

The fluid in her lungs has gone down. They are doing another chest xray to double check this.

The spasms have reduce a little further.

Things are slowly and steadily improving.

We put up several cards in her room yesterday that she received in the mail. Thank you for sending them, they make the room feel more comfortable and will be a blessing when she wakes up.


Thursday Update

Mom opened her eyes this afternoon for about 30 seconds. It was in response to the nurses moving her. She did not recognize anyone, but this is progress!

They still are running tests to know what is causing the fever.

She is slowly progressing in her responsiveness.

More to come when I see her this evening.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

One Week Anniversary

One week ago today, I heard that Mom had been taken to the ER. If you are just joining this blog, read some of the previous posts to see where we have been.

In high school I read the autobiography of Gregory "Pappy" Boyington. He was a Marine Corps pilot in WWII. He was shot down in 1944 and spent the next 20 months in a POW camp. Boyington makes an interesting observation about some of the men in the camp.

All of them were confident they would be rescued. But some of them would become fixated on specific dates. Boyington noted that these men would become very discouraged when their hopes were not realized. Often, these were the men who lost heart and fell ill. Many of them eventually passed away. The men who kept the mindset that someday they would be rescued had a higher survival rate.

I thought about this story often in the past week. I am try to avoid putting a time stamp on a recovery date. We must keep focused that someday Mom will get better. Hoping for a specific date can only lead to disappointment. Remain confident that God will make it happen.

Good news, the two spasms they discovered in Mom's brain yesterday are going down. The one on the left has reduced noticably, the right one has reduced a very small amount.

Wednesday Update

There is less fluid in Mom's lung today. Her fever is still moving up and down, but she has responded well to the Tylenol. Also, her tests came back negative for a bacterial infection. She continues to improve slowly but steadily.

They are begining physical therapy to stretch her muscles a bit. Things are still looking positive today.

I have not seen or heard from the Ramirez family in several days. Last I heard, they were hoping Victoria would be moved to a rehabilitation hospital. Perhaps this is the case. Please continue to pray for them.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Last Update for Tuesday

Mom's temperature is down to 99. This is really good for someone in Mom's situation.

She is also moving her limbs much more. This evening, she flexed her leg and Joyce had a hard time moving it back. Her strength is improving.

She is also making little movements more often.

Not bad for a day that looked like a step back this morning.


Tuesday Good News

The nurses moved mom a little this afternoon. Joyce said that she opened her eyes a little bit when they moved her. They only opened a little bit, but we will take it!

This is the first significant good news of the day. Most of the news today has been neutral.

Also, if you want to send cards. Feel free to send them to our address. We will try to bring them in a few at a time so we do not overwhelm her.


Ramona Hunt
c/o Stephen Hunt
315 Hadley Street, #1323
Houston, TX 77002

Another Tuesday Update

Mom is having some mild spasms in two areas in the brain. These occur in 70% of patients after this procedure, but can be dangerous.

There is still fluid in her lungs and they are making plans to remove the fluid. It has not developed into pnemonia, just some fluid.

Her temperature is down to 101. Which is an improvement.

They did an EKG on mom and another CT scan. Will give you results when we get them.

To quote Joyce, "Yesterday was two steps forward, today looks like one step back."

Tuesday Morning

Everyone keeps telling me that I should go back to work because Mom is stable and we still have a long way to go.

So today, I will head in to work.

Joyce told me that Mom is running a fever and has a small amount of fluid in her lung.

The doctors put her on antibiotics and are trying to cool her down.

She will have another CT scan this morning. They are also performing tests regularly to check for the spasms I told you about yesterday.


Monday, February 9, 2009

Any Questions

I know that over the past few days there have been many questions. I am not ignoring any of them on purpose.

Please post your questions as comments to this post and I will try to answer them.


Another Monday Update

When I left the hospital, she was starting to move just a bit. Mom is improving and doing well.

Just want to keep us prepared because there are tough days ahead. One of the common issues assosciated with subarachnoid hemorrhages is spasming in the vessels of the brain. These can significantly affect how Mom will recover in the long run.

These typically start between 6 and 14 days after the original surgery. Which means that pretty soon we will be in the danger zone.

Keep these in your prayers,


Monday Afternoon

They are backing off the sedatives. Mom is slowing showing more movement. Her brain pressure is good and we are blessed.

Thank you all for posting. It is very helpful for me and will be great for Mom when she wakes up.


Let Me Know You Are Reading

I spoke with Joyce this evening about this little blog. She told me it was a great idea and would be helpful for my mom during the recovery process.

Joyce has worked in health care for many years, the majority of that time in Neurology. She told me that Mom will probably forget everything that happened the day she went to the ER.

It is amazing to me that God designed us so well that our brains are hardwired to block out traumatic expereinces and protect us.

To that end, I would ask you to write messages to Mom on this blog. We plan to let her read this when she recovers to help her piece together the time she has lost. Also I must admit, that when I see a message from someone it makes me feel like this blog is worthwhile.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

God is Good

Mom's pressure is down to 1 on one of her tubes and 3 on her other tube. This is amazing news!

They want to keep the pressure below 20 to keep her from having any brain damage.

To help you understand what is happening let me explain the basic procedure. Mom has blood in her brain. To remove the blood, the doctors have cut two small holes in her skull and placed a tube that drains the fluid her body produces. They keep a steady supply of fluids going in through her IVs and keep her blood pressure at a safe, but high rate.

Her body then takes the IV fluids, reprocesses it and sends it to her brain. Because her blood pressure is slightly higher, it pushes through her brain faster and flushes out the blood that is still there.

They are quite literally working with her body to flush the brain and remove the blood.

Each tube fills a seperate container and it is amazing to see that the tube that was put in on Thursday night is draining a pale yellow fluid, while the newer one is a bright red. This means that most of the blood is out of one side of her head.

I must admit that I teared up when I saw the pressure fall to such low levels. Everyone keeps telling me that this is a long process and we will be in ICU for weeks. I know that we still have a long time to go, but to make so much progress in one day was a bit overwhelming.

Good News

Mom's pressure is holding pretty steady at 10. Which is a big improvement. She also is responding more to stimulation.

Everything looks good.

Thanks for the prayers,

Love Stephen

The Book of Job

I went and read to Mom for a little while this morning. I found myself reading Job, the same book of the Bible I read when Dad passed away.

One of the hardest things for us (me especially) is the fact that bad things happen to good people. The reason we struggle with this is that we look from at things from our perspective.

Yes there are people who do more good than bad, but on our very best day, we are not blameless in the site of the Lord. In all honesty, God could call each of us sinners, punish us and be completely justified in doing so.

It is only because of his amazing love that he has not judged us for the bad things we have done. God does not see good or bad people, just his children who have made mistakes.

The whole book of Job deals with these questions. I have wrestled with them my whole life. I think that Job says something very profound in the book. What right do I have to complain when bad things happen that I "do not deserve"? I never once complained when a good thing happened that I did not deserve.

Deserve has nothing to do with any of this. God knows why this is happening and his wisdom is greater than ours could ever be. Read through Job chapters 38, 39, 40 and 41. He is in control and knows what he is doing.

In all honesty, we are better off not asking God for what we deserve. We should be happy that God sent his son Jesus Christ to pay for our sins so that we can share in his perfection before God.



The Hospital

We can not put anything in her room because it is ICU. Right now there is little anyone can do. If you would like to visit, wait until she is a bit more responsive. When she is responsive, we will want people here to read to her and speak with her to keep her brain stimulated.

Memorial Hermann Hospital
Neurological ICU
6411 Fannin
Houston, TX 77030


I spoke with both Dr. Chen and Mom's nurse. They both said that right now we are coasting. Mom's brain pressure is still there, but it is responding to medication and the ventricilostomies are working.

She still has a large blood clot in her brain and we are waiting for her body to break it up.

Things are good but slow. This is not even the hardest part of the process. Mom is receiving constant attention right now from nurses. When we leave ICU, we will need to start working with her to get her back to 100%.


Pray for the Pressure to Go Down

Spoke with Mom's nurse this evening. The pressure on her brain is not staying as low as they would like.

We need this pressure to go down or they may be forced to perform an invasive surgery on her skull.

I spoke with my friend Mason who is a doctor at Memorial Hermann and he explained it this way when I asked him how worried I should be that her swelling has not gone down.

"Anytime you have a patient in ICU, you are concerned about them. Given the choice between brain pressure and no pressure obviously we would rather have none. The fact that there is still pressure is a cause for concern, but this is not the end of the world. Your mom's recovery is not an F, but it is not quite an A either. Depending on the brain scans, we are probably looking at B."


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Pressure Going Down

Spoke with the nurse. Mom's pressure is dropping and they have been draining lots of fluid from the other side of her brain.

They are putting in a line that will allow them to get blood without pulling from her arms.

Good news, less brain pressure is always good.

Another Ventricilostomy

Spoke with the nurse this afternoon. There are two areas in Mom's brain that have fluid in them. On the CT scan they look like little empty spaces because they are filled with fluid. One has been drained of all the fluid. The other still needs to drain.

They are currently putting in another tube in Mom's head to allow this other side to drain. We will go check on her once they finish up. This will allow the other space to drain as well.

For more info on this procedure:

Keep praying,

Love Stephen.

Saturday Morning Update

Mom stayed constant last night with one brief exception. For a few minutes the pressure in her brain raised above the level they wanted. This was most likely due to her medication wearing off. The nurse quickly gave her another dose and we were back to normal levels.

Mom's skin color has returned and she looks much better. Still on a breathing machine and under sedation, but doing well.

I spoke with Donna, the Physicians Assistant for our floor, and she told me everything was good.

The Ramirez family went home for some rest. Continue to pray for Victoria Ramirez and Dee's mother. They are our neighbors here. You can read more about Victoria in my other blogs.



Same Old Same Old

The ICU asked that all the families leave tonight at 10:00 to give the patients a break.

As of right now everything is the same as before. Steady pressure and vitals. Just waiting till she is stable enough to bring out of anesthesia.

Will update after we see her in the morning.



Friday, February 6, 2009

Slow Day

The hustle and bustle of yesterday are a sharp contrast to today. We have been holding pretty constant.

The pressure in Mom's brain is stable. Her breathing is being regulated and her vitals are all fine.

Sorry for the long time between posts. We have all been sleeping this afternoon.

This is the hardest part... waiting.

Thanks for checking on us.

The Ramirez family has had lots of good news today. Pray that continues.

I also met another one of our neighbors. Their mother has had the exact same surgery and is in the same part of recovery. Please pray for Dee's mother as well.



Good News

Praise Jesus,

Just received the results of this mornings CT scan.

No new blood in Mom's brain. This means the bleeding has stopped.

Still the same treatment. Keep Mom under anesthesia and a breathing machine to keep her from straining. Wait for the remaining fluid to flow through the tube.

Praise him for the things he is doing. A miracle for the Ramirez family and one for us today.




The neurosurgeon who did mom's ventricilostomy is named Suzanna. Donna was the Physicians Assistant on staff who answered every question I had and let me stay with Mom during all of the procedures they were doing (once she realized I didn't pass out easily).

Doctor Chen has come by to check on us several times and keep us updated even though he is very sick.

The nurses who worked from 6:00 am yesterday until Lord knows when (they may have stayed later, when I left they were still doing paperwork at 2:30 am) are name Natalie and Candice. They stayed on without being on the clock to help stabilize Mom. I overheard them talking to a supervisor saying they were volunteering to help out and did not want any overtime.

If you have a chance, send a message to Memorial Hermann and tell them how much we appreciate the team at Neurological ICU. The staff that worked on bed #10 on Thursday evening, February 5th were dedicated, personable and were top notch.

Friday Morning Update

They gave mom another sedative to keep her pressure regulated. Still draining blood from her head. The blood is getting lighter in color, which is a good sign.

All seems good, she wiggled her toes for Ann Pipes and me this morning. Johnny said she was giving thumbs and opened her eyes this morning.

We should be getting results from her morning CT scan soon. Will keep you in the loop.

Thank you for praying for Victoria Ramirez. She had feeling in her arms this morning. I told Mr. Ramirez that we are all praying for his daughter and he is very thankful. I personally believe that having feeling in her arms is a miracle. They gave Victoria a 5% chance of recovering. Please continue praying, as she does have a high fever.

We are blessed to have so many people praying and supporting us. We still have a long road ahead, but as Johnny said "We may not be on the high road, but we're on the road and still driving." Right now that is as much as I can ask for.



Done for the Night

The CT showed more bleeding in the brain. They put a tube in Mom's brain to release some of the pressure. Details about the procedure can be found below:

I stayed with her during the entire procedure. It was very quick. Within a few minutes Mom was more responsive. She was struggling to breathe a little, so they decided to put her under anesthesia and a breathing machine. This way her body is not wasting energy on struggling to breath.

In the morning they will wake her up and we will see where we are. We are going to bed.

Keep praying,

Love Stephen

I must tell you about the extraordinary job the staff did today. Candace, mom's nurse, worked from 6 a.m. to just a few minutes ago because they were short staffed and they needed some extra hands working with Mom. Also, Natalie the LVN worked the same ridiculous overtime to help with mom and was very helpful. The Neurologist, Clarissa (not 100% sure of her name) did a fabulous job on the ventriculostomy.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


We returned at 8:00 p.m. to find that mom was having trouble coming out of the anethesia.

For a while, she would squeeze my hand when I asked her to. After about 30 minutes, she stopped doing that. The nurses were concerned that there could be problems in her brain. They are doing a CT scan.

Will update you when we know something.

Keep praying, we need it desperately.

Test Results

Received the test results.

The doctor called from the angiogram room. They are taking her immediately in to surgery. Mom has three aneurysms in her brain. One has ruptured and is bleeding. They will try to block off the one that has burst and worry about the other two after surgery.

Best case scenario, they stop the bleeding with the coil they are putting in. Worst case scenario, the coil does not work and they are forced to clip out the bleeding vessel. This would cause her to lose vision in her left eye.

Keep praying for the doctors and nurses here. We are in good spirits and know that no matter what happens, God is soveriegn and that is enough.

Please keep the Ramirez family in your prayers, their 18 year old daughter was in a car wreck. She is parylized from the neck down and only can communicate by blinking. They are sitting next to us in the waiting room and are nice people. I was able to loan my Bible to the mother and hope to continue encouraging the family.



Good News

We spoke with Dr. Chen a few minutes ago. The coil procedure was successful. This is great news because now they will not need to cut into the skull.

The anyerism that burst has a coil of metal wire wrapped around it. Now we are waiting for the body to remove the fluid and blood that is in her brain. The doctor sounded very optimistic and we thank God for good news.

Now the recovery process begins. We are not out of the woods yet, but we are at least headed in the right direction. There are still two anyerisms that will need surgery. We still have several weeks for Mom to recover her strength. She will still be in ICU for several days. But the Spirit of the Lord is in the place.

The Ramirez family has gone to a friend's home for a much needed few hours of sleep. Their are no visits allowed between 6-8 in the morning or in the evening. So we are entering some downtime.

Heading out for some food.

Praise him for the work he is doing.



Information About Aneurysm

We have been doing some research on Aneurysms.

The websites below have been very helpful.

This is the coil they are currently working to put in. Mom is still in surgery and we are waiting to hear something from the doctors.

If that is not successful, then they will try this procedure.

One of my good friends from college, Dr. Mason Mileur stopped by to talk with us. He works in the Memorial Hermann System. Mason looked over her charts and explained everything to us.

There are several positive things surrounding us. I know that this is because of your prayers. God is good and we are still in good spirits.

Please pray for Victoria Ramirez and her family. They are our neighbors in the waiting room. They are from Bay City and have been here since Saturday. We are becoming good friends and are trying to help them during their stay. I have been talking to them about Jesus. We are praying that the paralysis is temporary because of the swelling in her spine. Keep them in your prayers.




Spoke with three doctors this morning. All signs lead to an aneurysm. They want to know exactly where the bleeding occurred. Once we have results from the angiogram, we will know how to proceed.

She will probably be in the hospital for 1 to 2 weeks. Mom was feeling well enough to tell us that she really does not need any visitors right now. She would rather have people come when she can enjoy them.

A few minutes ago, they took mom back for her angiogram. So much for first thing in the morning.

Will keep posting. Please pass this address around so others will know how she is.



The Waiting Game

Mom was admitted to a room in Neuro ICU last night around 2:15 am.

Since then not much has changed. This morning's test (that was supposed to be first thing in the morning) is now scheduled for between 10:00 am and 10:45 am.

This test can not come soon enough. They are not giving her any food water or any more medication until after the test.

This test should let us know where the bleeding is and how it started.

Mom is very nauseous and is still complaining about her headache.

Thanks for the prayers, keep them coming.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Life Flight from Orange

I received a call this morning that Mom was headed to the ER. Ellen, a friend of ours was at the emergency room with her.

They ran several tests, but had not discovered anything. Around 5 this afternoon, they told me she was being moved to Neurology in Port Arthur, TX because she had some bleeding in her brain.

Sonya and I through everything in the truck and drove toward Port Arthur. Just as we left the Houston city limits, we learned that Mom would be on a helicopter to Houston.

She arrived at the emergency room of Memorial Herman hospital in the Houston medical center. Initially, she did not realize where she was and had trouble identifying the date or that she had been in a helicopter. This might have been because of the pain medication she received in Orange.

She was complaining of a bad headache, telling me about every 5 minutes that her head hurts. The doctors gave her some morphine, which allowed her to sleep for a few hours.

The neurologist requested a new CAT scan and told me there were some spots that looked like there could be an aneurysm in her brain. That was around 9:00.

It is nearly midnight and we are still waiting for a room in neurology ICU. In the morning, they will run another test to get more information about the damage. From there we will decide on treatment.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Please pass this blog information on to anyone. We are trying to use this to keep everyone up to date.

Love you all,
